Knowledge Center

ER or DOC?

March 27, 2019
Door labeled, "Emergency Door".

When you sustain an injury, you may be programmed to go immediately to the ER. A better choice to save money and time is to go immediately to Direct Orthopedic Care. Your musculoskeletal injury needs the expertise of trained orthopedic specialists, not a referral and wait to see the expert.

DOC saves you money. The average cost of an ER visit, when compared to DOC, is nearly six times more expensive.


DOC saves you time. The average wait time is less than an hour. You could wait hours at the ER. After the wait, you may be referred to an orthopedist who can actually treat the injury.

The DOC team of orthopedic surgeons, specialty-trained PAs, pain management physicians, and physical therapists will diagnose and treat your orthopedic injury and pain. The cost is astonishingly less than the ER. No time is lost waiting for care. DOC orthopedic care is immediate.


Orthopedic Specialists

When you visit the ER for a broken arm or to discuss back pain, you’re not just surrounded by fellow patients with the same injuries or ailments. You could be sitting next to someone with a contagious disease or infection.   Don’t put yourself at further risk when Direct Orthopedic Care can see and treat your orthopedic injury or pain with trained specialists.   We have orthopedic specialists on staff and ready to see you.  


Find a Location Near You

Why choose DOC over an ER? The answer is simple. So, when you need us, skip the ER and go direct to DOC.   You can find a location in the Dallas-Ft. Worth and Austin areas. Locate a clinic near you. For more information on the cost of care, click here.

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